Thursday, February 4, 2010


Lemme get them Oh's them Aah's
Them Oh's them Aah's.

Ahh, today was a mess man, Doctor told us we
had to go to Hollywood, MD for our appt but
she was actually in Upper Marlboro for the day
o___o how do you get those two mixed up lol.

So, we drove 45 minutes to Hollywood, got there
"Oh no sweetie you're appt is in Upper Marlboro"

mom >_> <_< me, DANGIT!

Aha, another 45 minutes back the other way toward
Upper Marlboro for the appt, the directions sucked
if I wasn't looking out of the window we would have
been driving for miles lol. We get in there and they
take us straight back within a good 10 minutes thank
God. G-FORCE was playing, movie is so corny. Anyway,
so I step on the scale, push my back up against the
cold wall have that big measure thing on top of my
head as I answer questions. It was morning, I couldn't
think straight! So, we answer and answer until she
directs us to "Room 3" I felt like I lived in that room
as long as we were there, she tells me to strip from
my waist up and put that weird coat on. Leaves, then
comes back with the big EKG machine, UGHHH not this
again, I lay back, she sticks cold stickers all over
my body, hooks the wires up and within 3 minutes we're
all done o_______o "You must do this EVERYDAY?" Yeahp.
We sit there for a while, wait for Dr. K******, she
walks in "hello ladies" i noticed this reallllly awkward
silence in the room for a good minute, and we were all
just staring at eachother, after about the 63 second
she coughs up "So you guys ready for the..the big
snow storm?" *thinks* is SHE nervous?!?! O_o. "Not at all aheh"
"Me either" okay get on with it. Questions Questions
answers answers, "Okay then!" *pushes tit* WTF!!!!
*pushes tummy* *pushes pelvis" uhh o_o ....
stethastetha? (sp) OOOOO that's cold!!!! "Sorry
if it's cold" is she reading my mind? o_O "Okay so
someone will be in here to redirect you to the room where
you will get the ecocardiogram okay?" "Yes Ma'am"
tick tock... on the clock.. oh sorry.
15 minutes go by!!!
"Hai-lo, you will go with me to room down there."
"uh alright" *grabs crap*
woosh woosh.
me- this door is heavy!
mom- i know right?
"Lay down on zah table, you will lay to side, and
hand behind your head kay?"
what? o_O i mean Okay! way to gesture! whew >_<
boom boom...boom boom..BOOM!...boom.
"Your heart beat"
oh.. ok.
*picture picture*
like an hour goes by, bleh.
"normal...okay turn on your back"
whoa whoa whoa, don't get fresh mister
*pishes tit*
is that a requirement around these parts?
*pushes tummy*
where's the job discription
*pushes harder*
WAS THAT A TWIZZLER! oh aha, wait nvm
"Okay all done, you can go back to Room 3
ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! "=D okay!"
Dr. K******!
"okay everything looks pretty normal, um
we're going to give her the Event Monitor..."
wtf is that? 0__0
"'s a monitor that will have to be attached
to her all the time, it will monitor her heart rate
and when it happens it will record anything then
you'll bring it back to me so that i can check it out"
ohh okay aha, thanks Dr.K*******.
"alright you can get dressed..."
yeah i've been naked waist up the entire time aha.
"....stay warm and we'll see you guys back here soon"
uh yeahp.
*gets dressed* *walks out*
"I'm hungry" -mom
"me too son" -me

rolled out.


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