Friday, December 4, 2009

Past alliance

God, why can't we get comfortable?
As much as I love this seat, it's a prize
chair for vulnerability, uneasy type
pulp, and I'm the victim of candid secrets.
why do I feel the need for settlement inadiquate
to my true emotions being, feild work colts my
latest and most recent love for my position
I get sudden urges to show you that I am
so deeply into you, and on other occasions I feel
the want to believe you're all I truly need.
The warmth of your embrace, unwinds the twisted
vessels I fold with my guard, too strong, too
often does it stand, um, too tall. forgive me
for my mind is never steady, my heart never ready.
Don't misunderstand my intentions, I beg of you, once
said before, never are my inspirations one single
subject, rather they're forever a group of suggest.
I'm the lucky one you see.

"No one elses"

-Happy, so Happy.

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