Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I noticed, my family never eats at the table.
We always eat on the floor, and watch the News.
We talk, chit chat about school, grades, blah blah.
I noticed, grades in my house, is a subject that's
never avoided. We're constantly talking about grades
and how well we do in school. Of course, my sister
always does just that little bit better than me,
makes me feel kind of awkward talking about my grades.
Not saying i have terrible ones, just not as good as
hers, i manage above a 3.5, I guess that's good? -__-
Eugh, my back hurts pretty bad. Next doc. appt is on
the 26th, hopefully I'll get this heart thing under
control. Ah man, I have a headache now. That chicken smells
good! >__< I'm hungry. I got my face smashed in today
at the end of the day, chris and I were walking in the
hallway, I was holding his hand, then I saw this bottle
of gum on the ground, obviously it was empty but it made
me look, so I glanced back, unaware of the door opening
in front of me, I turn around, and BAM! there goes my nose
Course he laughs, the jerk, -___- The girl "Omg I'm sorry"
Yeah Ow, it's okay. Haha. I don't like A days, I used to
love them actually. Used to be my favorite, but not anymore
i can't wait until science fair is over, dang I have a
history test on thursday, i was acually really proud of
myself today in math, the test wasn't as hard as I thought
I was like, breezin' through it with ease, idk if that's a
good thing >__< We'll see. My fingers are starting to hurt
I'm going to go shower or something.

Good luck today scubby! I really hope you do well, it sucks
I couldn't be there to support you, but you know I would have
loved to be. I know you'll do well, =) I love you.



Hey! Anyone who reads this, I beg you, please
please please, donate anything you can to Haiti
they need whatever you have, clothes, food, water,
medicine, etc. Don't think any donation is too small.
A dollar could possibly save a life, they're crying
for help, and we need to listen.

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